Visitation, Activity, & Dining Updates March 2022

  • Visitors must be screened at entrance and provided risks of engaging in close contact with resident and while not wearing a mask during visit
  • Visitors MUST wear a facility provided surgical mask (source control) and distance themselves from other residents when in communal areas
  • Mask wearing is recommended during in room visits but if in a private room or a semi-private room where the roommate is NOT present and the resident consents – the visitor may remove their mask and engage in close contact. So this change will allow us to have children 2 and under in the building for the first time in 2 years! The child must have their face covered walking to the resident room but once in the room may go without – an example would be in the infant carrier with the cover on or throwing a blanket over the child’s head
  • Communal activities may occur but the visitor MUST wear a mask and social distance at ALL times from other residents.
  • Visitor may share a meal with residents in a private room – resident room is the preference unless there is a roommate that is not able to be removed. Risk of close contact should again be discussed with both the resident and the visitor.
  • Visitors shall not be allowed in the Cozy Cow at this time – they may have ice cream with the resident in the rooms. Resident or visitor should activated call light and be offered the ice cream choices. The staff will deliver the ice cream to the resident’s room for eating.
  • Assisted Living tenants would be considered visitors at this time